Möchten Sie etwas mit Ihrer Familie unternehmen? Wir haben für Sie eine Liste mit allen Aktivitäten in der Umgebung zusammengestellt. 🚨 Diese Aktivitäten sind nicht auf dem Campingplatz, aber ein paar Minuten entfernt.
Supervised Mountain biking/Mountain bike rental
Using All-Terrain Bicycles, you'll go on a challenging but exciting and spectacular trip through the hills and the surroundings of the Belgian Ardennes. Our instructor will show you the best forest trails and descents. He will also provide instructions before and during the journey, allowing you to overcome any obstacles or challenging descents correctly. You can also choose to only rent the ATBs with us and set out by yourself. The routes are usually clearly marked, and we offer cycling maps as well. There are various rates for supervised mountain biking, mountain bike rental for half a day and rental for a full day.
Challenge course/Adventure walk
We will take you along a challenging obstacle course/assault course through the unspoiled nature of the Belgian Ardennes, facing you with a number of obstacles on land and in the water. For instance, you'll have to clamber along the bank of the river, which will also have to be crossed using various rope bridges. Swinging ropes, rope bridges, a climbing net and other challenging obstacles guarantee excitement, hilarity as well as team building. The biggest challenge, of course, is to keep from getting wet.
Climbing Adventure including Abseiling and Zip-lining
Abseiling from a height of 35 meters, it's something that should be on everyone's bucket list! Under supervision of our instructor, nearly everyone can conquer their fear. But…don't forget to enjoy the stunning view! Zip-lining: you're standing at the peak of the rock, the instructor secures you to a cable and asks if you're ready. For a moment you hesitate, but then you jump anyway! You rush over land and water, enjoying the fantastic view! This is one of the longest zip-lines in the Ardennes.
Rope course/High Rope course
We've suspended several spectacular rope bridges and a large climbing net over an old quarry. After everyone buckles up, the entire group makes their way up. Do you have what it takes to push your limits and cross the highest bridge?
Pamper Jump including trapeze jump
Step by step, you make your way higher up the tree. At the top, you try to stand as still as possible. You concentrate, and hear the group below start the countdown. 3….2….1… Jump! You jump towards the trapeze, will you make it?!
Quad riding
You'll explore the Ardennes landscape on a four-wheel motor vehicle. You will first attend an instruction, after which we will make our way into nature along asphalt roads and forest trails. Suitable for both young and older guests (we offer quad trips for those without a driver's license).
GPS Dropping
Just like the school outings you used to take part in, you will be dropped off at a certain distance from the starting location. Using modern GPS technology, it's up to you to find your way home. Will you make it back? Starting off at your own location is possible.
GPS hiking trips
Finding your way without using directions, relying instead on modern technology. Let the satellite guide you and make your way to the finish point with your team using GPS. We offer routes of approximately two – eight hours.
De weg vinden zonder het gebruik van een routebeschrijving maar met het gebruik van moderne technologie. Laat de satelliet u helpen en vind door middel van GPS met uw team de eindlocatie! Wij hebben routes van ca. 2 – 8 uur.
GPS Adventure / GeoCaching
GPS is used to hunt for 'treasure' hidden somewhere in the Belgian Ardennes. The GPS device is, unfortunately, only capable of indicating the direction to the hidden treasure. You will have to decide on the route to take in order to get there. Will you find the treasure?
GPS Achouffe beer tasting trip
Following the principle of 'finders keepers', we've hidden bottles of Achouffe along the GPS trip. In case you find a bottle, you get to actually keep it and enjoy it after your return.
Naviëgation trip/hike/evening hike
Using a map, compass and in some cases GPS, you set out on foot. Along the way, you'll receive various navigation coordinates which will not always be easy to find. Will you be able to find the fastest route back?
Photo trip
Using a photo album, you set out on a journey of exploration through the hills of the Ardennes. Keep your eyes peeled to check whether the photos match what you see around you. We may also add assignments to the photo trip, turning it into a photo puzzle trip.
In de prachtige ongerepte natuur van de Belgische Ardennen nemen wij u mee voor een uitdagende hindernisbaan / stormbaan waarbij u te maken krijgt met een aantal hindernissen over land en over water. Zo zult u moeten klauteren langs de oever van de rivier en zal diezelfde rivier een aantal keren overgestoken moeten worden met behulp van verschillende touwbruggen. Slingers, touwbruggen, een klimnet en uitdagende hindernissen zorgen voor spanning, humor en teambuilding. Natuurlijk is het de uitdaging om droog te blijven.
Het GPS wordt ingezet om op zoek te gaan naar “schatten” die ergens in de Ardennen zijn verstopt. Het GPS apparaat geeft helaas alleen de richting aan waar de schat verstopt ligt. Jullie zullen zelf de te volgen weg moeten bepalen. Vindt u de schat?
Bron foto: Packages Life - Unlimited Packages
Oriëntatietocht / Hike / Avondwandeling
Met behulp van kaart, kompas en soms een GPS gaat u lopend op pad. Onderweg krijgt u diverse oriëntatie coördinaten uitgereikt die niet altijd even gemakkelijk zijn. Vindt u de weg weer op de snelste manier terug?
Touwparcours / High Rope parcours
In een oude steengroeve hebben we meerdere spectaculaire touwbruggen opgehangen en een groot klimnet. Nadat iedereen zijn gordel aan heeft gaat de hele groep de hoogte in. Durf jij je grenzen te verleggen en ook de hoogste brug over te lopen?
PamperJump incl. Trapezesprong
Stapje voor stapje klim je steeds hoger de boom in. Bovenop probeer je zo stil mogelijk te blijven staan. Je concentreert je en hoort de rest van de groep beneden al aftellen. 3….2….1… Spring! Je springt naar de trapeze, zul je het halen?!
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